
The Landmark Team prides itself in representing each client’s brand with a superior level of excellence

Skills & Services.

Market & Trade Area Analysis
Equipping clients with invaluable insights and data-driven strategies to navigate and thrive in the ever-evolving real estate market.
Data & Analysis
Empowering clients with comprehensive market intelligence, helping them stay ahead of the competition, identify growth opportunities, and optimize their market positioning.
City Incentive Assessment
Assisting clients in identifying and capitalizing on city-specific incentives and opportunities, enhancing their strategic decision-making and financial outcomes.
Site Selection
Expert guidance in pinpointing the ideal locations for their businesses, leveraging data-driven insights to maximize foot traffic, profitability, and customer engagement.
Pipeline Management
Streamlining and optimizes clients' real estate projects, providing end-to-end oversight to ensure efficient timelines, cost-effectiveness, and successful project delivery.
LOI & Contract Negotiations
Securing favorable terms and agreements, navigating the complexities of negotiations, and ultimately ensuring the best outcomes for their transactions.

Thank you to our wonderful clients and
business partners.

Landmark Property and Development is committed to improving the communities we live/work in, a goal that would not be achievable without the continued collaboration and support from the retailers listed below.

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